Silence is Delicious

So today's prompt over at the Poem-a-Day site with Robert Brewer involves writing a scene (in a poem) where two characters interact without speaking. To be sure, it was the most challenging of prompts to relate back to the kitchen and particularly, the recipe. At first, I thought to say that every recipe is a cast of characters coming together to silently interact and create a scene of finished baked good. What is a soup, after all, if not an elaborate blend of textures, seasonings, tones and undertones that mingle and make a whole new thing?  But that seemed a little easy. Then I thought to look to one of my favorite films of all time: The Artist, and see if there was some food connection there. Turns out that there is a blog called Silent Movie Crazy and there you can find recipes from Mary Pickford and Warren Williams--and in case cooking makes you as thirsty as it does me, how about some silent film star cocktails?


Oh, Clementine, you’re even better covered in chocolate.